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Thursday, September 30, 2010

India's Democracy a hampering factor

Is democracy the hampering factor depriving India from the growth?

Yes, though we take wise decisions. Well taking decisions wont make a difference but the implementation will. So when it comes to the implementation before which we have large chain of ministries to agree with it in the parliament and when the implementation is about to initiate the government changes.

So the instability in governing bodies is the actual hampering factor affecting growth without which we have the potential to achieve double digit growth rate. These factors are disliked by most of the foreign investors affecting the young and dynamic entrepreneurs of our nation which are the boosters to double digit growth rate.

This is not with another Asian economic giant China where we have one government taking one wise decision implementing it and moving to next one. They do not have to go with large chain of formalities.

Now are we of more potential then China I believe yes we are because we are moving at same growth rate of 9% since few years and can manage in democratic and slow governing bodies.

Eradication of democracy will lead India to super power by 2050  as predicted India & China will contribute to 45% of worlds GDP. But the question is who shall hold a major share.

Kuldeep P
Making love with Economics & Fin

China's art of escape velocity

As we know 200 yrs of economic wisdom proved that the more your country borrows the sooner your economy will crash. And so we have been predicting China’s economic crash since long it has been borrowing funds on large scale and used them for infrastructure development
Infrastructure development includes building malls, tunnels, skyscrapers, roads, highways, ports, schools , hospitals etc . But how can we forget that Chins has equally built factories which produces goods consumed on the large scale by the rest of the world. It is true that economy of great nations Japan. US, Dubai, Europe collapsed on heavy borrowing and funding infrastructure growth. They how is it possible for China to survive what is the difference with other economies
As we know China is more on manufacturing goods and makes good foreign surplus and investing 50% on its GDP. Yes now this is how it is different from other nations it built factories as well with other infrastructure developments. Whereas other nations had asset bubble because they were concentrating more on private asset development. China is equally on private asset as well as social asset development.
Social assets empowers people of the nation contributing more to economic growth in real sense instead of only borrowing and developing private infrastructure.
Of all this if seems that China have managed to defeat 200 yrs of economic wisdom.

Kuldeep P
Making love for Economics & Fin